

Stay home

Edington Parish Council have put together a package to assist those members of the community who may be affected by the coronavirus. You should have received a letter from the Parish Council outlining what we are doing, this includes a request for volunteers and a phone number for anyone seeking help. We can provide assistance with shopping, collecting and delivering prescriptions, collecting newspapers (voucher holders only), dog walking etc. in line with the latest government advice on social distancing to keep everyone safe.

Stay home



Couch potatoes save lives graphic

For the latest information about the virus and the measures being taken please go to one of the websites below.



Wiltshire Council

Guidance on Social Distancing

Latest government advice

Wiltshire Police


The Parish Council are looking for volunteers to help those who are affected by the current problem, if you are able to help please sign up using this link.


Keep up to date with the latest village news by looking at the village twitter feed.



Stay home graphic

picture of a teddy bear


Have you seen the Edington Bears they are further down this page


the Edington rainbows can be found here.

rainbow image


Latest news



NHS care workers etc. thank you

How many of these bears have you seen around the village?

Tracey 2
Traacey 1
John 2
John 1
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A Safer Edington
20mph signCSW noticeEdington Parish Council is committed to developing a strategy for ‘A Safer Edington’ to enable villagers to feel more confident when moving around the village. This will take the form of a number of initiatives in partnership with Wiltshire Council and also with other parish councils and Westbury Town Council about the whole of the B3098. Find out more about the work being undertaken by Edington Parish Council and Wiltshire Council here.


CSW logoCSW logoUPDATE 10 July 2020Edington Community Speed Watch has resumed and in the first week four motorists have been reported for driving through the village in excess of 35mph.




30 mph roundelUPDATE 18 April 2020Wiltshire Council have now painted the additionalWhite lines at side of the road lines along the side of the B3098 between Monastery Road and Longmans Close and along with this there are now 30mph roundels painted on the road in three locations. These additional markings will further reinforce to drivers that the road is narrow and that the speed limit is 30mph.




Speed indicator deviceUPDATE 10 March 2020 A Speed Indicator Device (SID) has now been set up near the farm shop and has already found some drivers exceeding the speed limit. In the first 72 hours of operation one driver was recorded passing through at 58.2 mph. The Parish Council are hoping to have Community Speed Watch up and running again in the near future as a further deterrent to individuals who have no regard to the safety of other road users.




Unsuitable for HGV's signUPDATE 24 January 2020 Following a meeting of the Westbury Area Transport Group we have secured the funding for the positioning of “No HGV” signs around the village on the roads leading to Edington Station Yard, this will hopefully reduce significantly the damage to the bank in Monastery Road on the bend.  Also at this meeting our bid to secure funding for the introduction of 20mph limit on many of the village roads was approved and this will now enable the Parish Council to work with Wiltshire Highways in introducing them within the next eighteen months as long it gets approval from Wiltshire Council.

Why not volunteer for Edington Community Speedwatch, contact us here.

Edington is situated on the northern escarpment of Salisbury Plain.  It is an historically renowned village mentioned in the Domesday book and famous for being the location of the Battle of Edington in 878 AD between King Alfred and the Danes.Welcome to the Edington village website.  We aim to provide both residents and visitors to the village with all of the information they may require.

Parish Hall004
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The village contains a superb 14th Century Priory Church and the recently refurbished and renovated “Three Daggers” Public House as well as a number of picturesque houses. It is surrounded by very attractive countryside which offers an excellent variety of footpaths, many of which offer spectacular views from Salisbury Plain. The well-known Edington Music Festival is held annually in the Church., BBC television included a programme on the 50thanniversary of the Music Festival in its series “A Passion for Churches” which was transmitted on BBC2 in April 2006. Edington was the joint winner of the “Village of the Year” competition in 1999.  The judges were particularly impressed with the community spirit as evidenced by the wide range of events and activities. Many of these have continued to the present day; these include The Jazz Festival, The Summer Ball, The Village Fair & Evening Party, and the Flower and Produce Show.

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