Description of what the organisation does:-
Edington and Tinhead W.I. offers you the opportunity to meet other women in a friendly, sociable environment. At our monthly meetings we hear from speakers on a wide range of subjects, discuss topics of immediate interest from a local to national level, as well as catching up with friends and neighbours.
We participate, as a group, in village activities and as groups or individuals attend local, county and national events, organised by the W.I.
The main aim of the WI movement is the continuing education of women and The National Federation has its own educational establishment, Denman College, which offers a varied programme of courses.
A key feature of the W.I. is that it is a campaigning organisation, with an annual resolution that has its origins at grassroots level and culminates in a national debate.
The NFWI is affiliated to an international organisation that seeks to support and improve the lives of women throughout the world.
Visitors are very welcome; come and meet us!
Contact name :- Jan Billinge
Contact phone number :- 01380 830211
Meeting frequency :- 2nd Tues. of each month
Normal meeting time :- 7.30 p.m.
Normal meeting place :- Parish Hall, Westbury Road
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