ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 24 April 7.15 for 7.30 start. Cheese and wine served after meeting. The main topic this year is The Village Neighbourhood plan. Come and have your say on the future of the village, your input is important to us.
Annual Litter Pick :Many thanks to the villagers who turned out to clear the roads around the village 16 bin bag sized bags of litter were collected an amazing effort and lovely to see the youth of the village joining the clear up.
New Bus Stop: The unofficial bus stop between Longlands and Greater Lane has been formally adopted and a new bus stop sign should appear there soon.
Dogs : With the warmer weather more people are understandably out and about with dogs. Unfortunately the amount of mess has also risen. Please pick up after your Dogs and take the bags home or put in appropriate bin. The worst areas are just inside fields like the Weir field making it unpleasant for other users.
4th April this is the last date to get your application to join the Parish Council . Please give some thought to standing , we have not had an election for a considerable time it would be good to have one this year. Application forms available from the County council web site.
Next Parish Council meeting Monday 10 April at 7.30pm All visitors welcome