The following applications were discussed:- PL/2022/03546/TPO T1 Ash tree – tree to be felled due to onset of Ash dieback in canopy at 17A Westbury Road for Mr Daniel Butler
PL/2022/04410/TCA T1 Lime tree with recent major branch loss, reduce the height by approximately 4 meters and reduce the lateral branches by approximately 3 meters. T2 fell Birch tree; at Ashlington House Inmead for Mr Jon Burgess (Downlands Tree Surgery Ltd)
The following decisions have been received:- PL/2022/02760 FUL – Refurbishment and renovation of existing bungalow at Sunny Brae 4 Downsview for Mr Pierre Verlinde – approved
PL/2022/02770/FUL and PL/2022/02998/LBC Conversion of existing Greenhouse to Orangery and creation of adjacent potting shed at Shore Hall 8 Tinhead Road for Mr Dean Davies – approved
PL/2022/02770/FUL and PL/2022/02998/LBC Conversion of existing Greenhouse to Orangery and creation of adjacent potting shed at Shore Hall 8 Tinhead Road for Mr Dean Davies – approved
PL/2021/10337/FUL Demolition of existing outbuilding. New build to form gym/garden room and carport with walled and landscaped area to include inground swimming pool and low retaining walls at Merrilea, Westbury Road for Mr P Hampson – approved.
Neighbourhood Plan. Our Wiltshire Councillor, Suzanne Wickham, will follow up on the request for information which Mark Burgess sent to Wiltshire Council before the meeting in May as there has been no response to Mark’s request.
Wiltshire Council Report
The Area Board met on 6 th. June. There has been a change of leadership positions and a change in the way money is allocated.
Suzanne Wickham reported that work had begun on the gasification unit in Westbury.
Highways and Footpaths.
Recent metro counts in the village have indicated a need for further action to encourage drivers to slow down in the village along the B3098. The highways engineer will come up with plans to be considered by the council at a future meeting.
The time anticipated for the addition of yellow lines to various places in the village is unknown.
A new sign will be put up at the entrance to Charlton Hill.
There are concerns in various places in the village about the safety of children and wheelchair users. Many footpaths need attention too. The Parish Steward will be visiting Edington on 27 th. and 28 th. June.
Burial Ground Paddock- this will now be called The Coal Path Field.
There are more detailed minutes of each Parish Council Meeting on the village website when they have been approved by the Parish Council at each following meeting.