Tuesday May 13th was our annual resolution meeting where we vote on the latest resolution put forward to members which is then discussed and voted on at the Annual Meeting, which this year is being held in Leeds West Yorkshire. Our representative at this meeting is our President Helen. We then had a lively and in depth discussion on Organ Donation. The resolution seeks to encourage WI members to make a choice and make it known (through registering it, or making sure their closest loved ones know) so that their wishes can be respected upon their death. This resolution, if passed, has the potential to add thousands of new would-be donors, each of whom can change nine lives through the gift of organ transplant. There is a shortage of organ donors and three people die every day in the UK while waiting for an organ transplant. People can indicate their wish to be a donor by telling a relative or close friend or joining the NHS Organ Donor Register. The UK’s consent rate is one of the lowest in Europe so it is not surprising that we all voted for Helen to accept the resolution at the Annual Meeting.
After this serious side to the meeting we all then enjoyed a glass of wine or juice and sampled the delicious dishes made by various members. The recipes can be found on the Edington website.
Reports were than given on events that some of us had attended since our last meeting. Over 100 people attended a Rachmaninov Morning which was apparently a very good event. Mixed feelings on the Group Meeting which was held at Dilton Marsh where the speaker was Dee Dee Wilde of the 60’s dance group Pan’s People.
Skittles at Bratton and a husband/partner match with our skittle team at the Conservative Club, Westbury was a great success and enjoyed by all.
Three of our members attended the Wiltshire weekend at Denman College where the course called ‘Soul Divas’ was taken by the wonderful Jo Sercombe. By Saturday night they had to put on a performance which included singing two songs plus the dance movements, this all went down very well with other WI members, who were there on various other courses. It certainly livened up the Saturday night. Sunday morning was spent recording three songs for a CD Souvenir. This was an exhausting but thoroughly enjoyable weekend.
We were all given £5 at the end of the WI meeting in the hope we can use our talents to increase this amount for our funds.
Our next meeting is in Tuesday 10th June where we will be spending an evening at the Three Daggers Brewery – it should be interesting so do join us if you can, you will be very welcome.