(For more information contact Helen O’Donoghue on 01380 830501)
At our January meeting, Juliet Abbott gave a very interesting demonstration and description of silk screen printing.
We were amazed at the labour intensive and time consuming task it was.
She showed us some lovely samples of work she had done over the years.
Her main work now is heat transfer printing. She has recently been teaching children’s workshops but is now stepping back to concentrate on her more creative work.
Juliet also shared some fun animals made from wool using a technique called needle sculpting. She said it was therapeutic but it looked to be very time consuming!
Stella thanked Juliet for sharing her work with us.
After refreshments provided by Joan and Jacky our president Helen told us about the success of the lunch we provided to support the Federation Carol Concert in December as it was well supported.
We regularly give money to ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) which supports and helps projects involving women and communities worldwide. This last year we gave £150 partly through our monthly bookstall.
We are halfway through our skittles games and more players are still needed especially for the 10th February.
Sue Davies asked for any suggestions for speakers for the coming year.
We voted on the Resolutions to be considered for this year’s national AGM.
Our next meeting on the 11th February is our Annual Meeting where we look back at the year’s events and look forward to new committee members as some of this year’s committee are standing down.
So if you fancy seeing what our “Inspiring Women” get up to come along to our meeting in February!