EDINGTON & TINHEAD WI JUNE MEETING We welcomed Robin Wilson as our speaker in June. The open meeting was well attended , both members and visitors intrigued to learn more about the Battle of Ethandune , which took place on our doorstep. Robin gave us the background to King Alfred’s reign, and the significance of the battle. King Alfred’s reign was once described as being the ‘Cradle of the English Nation’, but if he had lost the Battle of Ethandune, we might be speaking Danish now! New research continues and there is a possibility that King Alfred’s villa might be under the green sand in Edington, some exploratory digging having already taken place. We know the road as B3098, but it was The King’s Way, as he travelled along to Edington. There was more to King Alfred than burned cakes. Over the summer months members will hold an 80th anniversary garden party and will visit Corsham Alms Houses.