Disasters Are Our Business: Team Rubicon, was the subject of our August meeting. Simon Stanford-Tuck gave us a clear picture of this organisation, its structure and how it responds to disasters at home and abroad. Founded five years ago, it has more than 2000 volunteers, many of them ex-military, most with specialist skills, and all expert at working as a team. At home, in severe flooding such as Keswick, teams have supported local services in clearing homes and local facilities. When an international disaster strikes, Team Rubicon cooperates with the major organisations such as Oxfam and UNESCO, as they plan their responses, ready if called on by a national government. Simon conveyed the passionate commitment of the volunteers, who give their time and expertise so willingly.
In complete contrast, during the summer months we enjoyed our party in Stella and Edward’s beautiful garden and raised £150 for the Parish Hall Appeal at a well-attended afternoon tea.
Next month we will be finding out about Hedgerow Remedies with Lyn Blythe, a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH).