Edington Parish council Report
Vacancy: Unfortunately Our Chairman Eric Mitchell has had to stand down. It is also his intention to leave the council. Thank you Eric for your commitment and leadership you will be a hard act to follow. Eric’s resignation will mean we will have a casual vacancy to fill in the New Year.
Policing: Our local Police have set their priorities for the next 3 months. They will be on the lookout for parking infringements ie parking on pavements near junctions or obstructing the highway. Parking is a problem in many areas of the village but particularly near the pub, Long Hollow and the Green. If you are one of the offenders you have been warned.
Hare Coursing is also a problem the Police will be monitoring; they will be conducting regular patrols to frequently used sites. If you see any suspicious activity please inform the police, car registration numbers can be very helpful, do not attempt to challenge as they can be violent characters.
Parking in the Village hall car park .This car park was built to provide parking for the parish hall . Unfortunately several villagers are now using it to regularly leave their cars for extended periods. This is causing problems with parking for events taking place in the hall. If the problem does not improve the Council will lock the gate between events.
Drains : With winter approaching the importance of good drainage off roads and pavements is essential to help elevate flooding . if you see a blocked drain please report it to the county council . if drains are blocked by leaves and easily movable debris we would be grateful if villages could kick them out of the drains.
Dog Fouling Please pick up after your dogs. Last month’s black spot is the Green. This is a well used piece of grass use by children waiting to catch school buses. Can the dog owners whose dogs are using this piece of grass please take their business home with them.
Best Kept Village competition: We came 6th in the medium village category. Full details are on the web site. Generally Judges were pleased with what they saw ,but we lost marks on public seating and the bus shelter. If anyone would like to adopt a seat, contact Malcolm on 830256 if every seat was adopted we might even win next year.
(1) 15/07267/FUL erection of garage/carport and replacement window at end of chapel at 4B Salisbury Hollow for Mr Roy Zaman
(2) 15/07998/FUL Proposed porch and single storey rear extension at 9 Tinhead Road for Mrs Sherene Jefferies
There were also a number of applications for tree surgery full details on web site.
Next meeting October 13 7.30 Parish Hall