Planning.The following plans were considered from Wiltshire Council and the details of them can be viewed on the Wiltshire Council website.
i. PL/2021/08953TCA G1 Reduce 5 Beech 6m ht & reshape to form single crown at Box Cottage 5 Tinhead Road for Theo Taylor
ii. PL/2021/08742/TCA 30% reduction of Beech tree in rear garden. Tree has become too wide and is now overgrowing the roof of the Manor House with the potential to cause damage. Removal of Redwood fir tree. Tree is causing excessive shading to rear garden; at The Manor House 11 Lower Road for Mr Matthew Brown
iii. PL/2021/08763/FUL Removal of existing outbuildings and the erection of 1 no. detached dwelling; with associated access, parking, turning, landscaping and private amenity space. Erection of associated cartshed. Blocking up of existing access at Greater Lane Farm for I Smith & D Smith
iv. PL/2021/08980/FUL Proposed dwelling at 46A Westbury Road for Anna Klonowski
v. PL/2021/09024/TCA Pollard 3 Ash trees In the rear garden of applicant Ash trees are causing excessive shading to the garden 30% reduction to Hornbeam again in the rear garden of Birchwood House. Hornbeam is causing excessive shading with some large branches over hanging a neighbour’s garden Reduction of lower limbs of acacia in rear garden of Birchwood House 33A Westbury Road for Mr Bryan Mulligan-Scaife
vi. PL/21/04036/FUL Change of use from E(g))iii) Industrial processes to holiday let and associated conversion works at Luccombe Mill, Imber Road Bratton for Mr Henry Pelly
vii. PL/2021/09113/TCA Up to 30% reduction of canopy of Beech tree in hedge line of Pond Cottage. Tree overhangs Village Pond at Pond House, Tinhead Road for Mr Stephen Henning.
viii. PL/2021/09148/TCA T1 Multi stem Holly to remove to ground level. T2 Clematis covered tree remove to 3ft stump. T3. Maple reduce by 2-3 meters to a frame work pollard. T4. Oak tree to reduce by 2-3meters to a frame work pollard. T5. Apple tree to reduce the top down to the old pruning point on main stem: All to allow more light in small courtyard garden at 3 Lower Road, Bratton for Mr Nick Goff.
Withshire Council has considered the following planning applications and approved of them.
i. PL/2021/08087/TCA Reduction in height of T1 – Bay tree by 3-4m and T2 Hawthorn Tree by 1-2m at 12 Inmead for Mr Daniel Butler.
ii. PL/2021/07371/FUL Proposed pool with adjacent natural stone paths at Shore Hall Tinhead Road for Mr Dean Davies.
The Working Group have met to review the proposed project and the minutes of their meeting are available to read on the village website.
Long Hollow. The effectiveness of work anticipated by Wiltshire Council, on Long Hollow, continues to be a concern of the Parish Council.
Road Closures. Notice has been given of road closure of the B3098 at Coulston on 21 Nov for 1 day between0800 and 1630 and at Longlands Close/12 Westbury Road on 27 Nov for 2 days
Volunteer Group. Help is always welcome with the volunteer group who are busy around the village. They meet at 9.30 am in the Church Car Park or the Parish Hall Car Park on the third Wednesday of each month. November’s date is 17 th.. The Parish Steward also carries out tasks to improve the village. John Hardman welcomes suggestions for the work of the Parish Steward.
Christmas Tree. The Christmas tree will be lit for the first time during the evening of 10 th. December. Please put this happy village event in your diary. The time will be decided nearer the date of the event.