Parish Council News October 2018

Road Safety   the  County Council Highways Department have looked at the junction of Bayton Way and Court Lane following a recent near miss and have decided that it is safer to leave junction as it is rather than designating a right of way.  

Salt Bins  the council will be checking the salt bins this month to make sure they are ready for winter.   The salt in these are for use on the public highway not for private drives.  If anyone discovered the bins are running low please contact Emily  who has a small stockpile  to replenish the bins over the winter.

Dogs  Thank you to all the dog owners who are now picking up after their dogs . However we have had a number of complaints about black poo backs festooning trees and fences. These distract from our beautiful countryside and are very unhygienic. Please take the bags home with you or use an appropriate bin.

Footpath books   are still available at the post office, church, farm shop and Pickleberries

Christmas  Book Friday 14 in your diaries for Christmas tree switch on, carols accompanied  by Bratton improvers band  mulled wine and maybe a mince pie or two.

Planning              (i) 18/08565/FUL Extend/convert existing bungalow to a one and a half storey building at 22a Westbury Road for Mrs Bridget Roberts

(ii) 18/09310/TCA Beech tree (BG) – crown raise to 3m and thin by 15% and sever ivy at base; T2 Hawthorn tree (VG) – fell; T3 Ash tree (VG) – prune 1m-2m overall to shape

(iii)  18/09186/FUL Demolition of part of the existing dormer bungalow and garage. Alterations and extensions to provide 2 storey dwelling and integral garage at High Sands 5 Longlands Close for Mr and Mrs Parmley

Next Parish Council meeting is Monday  12 at 7.30 in the Parish Hall