Planning. The following planning applications have been received from Wiltshire Council and they were discussed.
PL/2021/09422/FUL Demolition of the existing garage building and erection of a larger replacement garage with matching materials at Luccombe Mill for Mr Henry Pelly
PL/2021/09634/FUL 2 storey extension to detached dwelling at Dairy House Farm, Lambourn Lane for the Brooks
PL/2021/09773/FUL Alterations to existing timber decking and provision of timber Garden Room at Box Cottage 5 Tinhead Road for Mr Theo Taylor
The following decisions have been made by Wiltshire Council on applications previously discussed.
PL/2021/07252 Erection of Garden room and storage building at Highbank 6 Court Lane for Mrs Pippa Dawkins – approved
PL/2021/08742/TCA 30% reduction of Beech tree in rear garden. Tree has become too wide and is now overgrowing the roof of the Manor House with the potential to cause damage. Removal of Redwood fir tree. Tree is causing excessive shading to rear garden; at The Manor House 11 Lower Road for Mr Matthew Brown – no objection
PL/2021/09148/TCA T1 to remove Multi stem Holly to ground level. T2 Clematis covered tree remove to 3ft stump. T3. Maple reduce by 2-3 meters to a frame work pollard. T4. Oak tree to reduce by 2-3meters to a frame work pollard. T5. Apple tree to reduce the top down to the old pruning point on main stem: All to allow more light in small courtyard garden at 3 Lower Road, Bratton for Mr Nick Goff – no objection
Policing. There was concern about a recent night when there were a number of cars broken into in the village and other local villages along the B3098. The police are involved in investigations into these and the damage done.
Burial Ground Paddock. Now that the area has been cleared and tidied up by the village volunteers we are now planning to look at how we can develop the area. There was discussion as a villager had proposed the installation of a boules court for the use of the village in an area of the field. The field has also been previously discussed as the possible site of a managed wildflower area. The ideas for the whole field will be discussed further and a comprehensive plan prepared for the future of the field.
Wiltshire Council. Suzanne Wickham gave a report on the recent Area Board Meeting and her recent involvement on our behalf as our Wiltshire Councillor for which we are grateful.
Defibrillator. The Parish Council are applying for a grant from the Westbury Area Board Grant for a defibrillator for the Edington end of the village.
Highway and Footpaths. There was discussion about areas of the village where the Parish Steward has been working on general maintenance and repair and areas of the village requiring future attention.
Christmas Tree. The Parish Council is grateful to The Three Daggers for providing our Christmas Tree again this year. The Christmas Tree will be lit for the first time on the evening of Friday 10 th. December at an event which starts at 6.30 pm. The Bratton Training Band will also be returning to play carols for everyone to have a good time carol singing. Everyone is welcome.