Annual Parish Council Meeting 23 April 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. All are welcome the meeting will include the launch of Edington footpaths booklet.
Litter Pick postponed because of snow cover new date 14 April 9.30am church car park. Do help us tidy up the village.
B3098 Strategy The council share your frustrations at slow progress but we are reassured that it is not forgotten and things are moving .
Rubbish/dog bins. You may have noticed some bins have been overflowing recently. Wiltshire council have apologised for not emptying them, the contract was changed and we were missed off the rota. This has now been corrected so the bins should now be empted regularly again.
Dogs : with the warmer weather more of us are out walking our dogs, please pick up after them even if in fields, dog poo can spread disease to livestock. We have provided more bins around the village to help you.
Police report ; garden and professional tools are being targeted at the moment please keep sheds and garages locked. If leaving a car at local beauty spots take all valuables with you thieves are often watching and target cars that have valuables eg bags put in boots or under seats.
Planning The following have been received
(1) 17/11501/FUL Demolition of existing conservatory and rebuild kitchen dining room extension. Replace widows with door in side extension at Bay Cottage 62 Westbury Road for Mr Austin Main
(2) 18/00278/FUL 2 storey side extension at 12 Inmead for Mr Philip Davies
(3) 18/01251/FUL Conservatory to rear elevation at 13 Court Lane for Mr & Mrs Richardson
Next Parish Council meeting Monday 9 April.