It Is with sadness that we have learnt of the death of Gilbert Green. He was a valuable member of the council for many years and a well-respected Chairman. The village has lost a true gentleman. His knowledge of the natural world particularly trees and birds was extensive. He was always happy to support village projects never happier than clearing out the village pond or helping maintain village amenities.
Christmas; We will be putting a tree up again this year to add some Christmas cheer, but It is unlikely the Christmas lighting ceremony will be able to take place with current Covid 19 regulations. More details to follow.
Waste bins . The council is monitoring the bins around the village as emptying of some of them has been a little erratic. We are in the process of replacing those that are broken and lobbying the county council to replace the bin at the bottom of Inmead which has been removed. Please report any overflowing or broken bins to Chloe Watts, or to Pauline at the post office. The bins are provided to reduce littering and placed to provide convenient sites to collect dog poo bags. Please use them and help keep our village looking great .
The Parish Steward is back on village duty. He is supplied by the county council and attends approximately a day a month. Please report village maintenance such as blocked drains and small potholes etc. to Emily Greening, to help her compile list of jobs for him to complete.
We still have a casual vacancy on the Parish council and would love to hear from any interested parties. Contact Malcom Wieck for details
The following planning applications have been received: –
20/07929/LBC and 20/07481/FUL proposed restoration of existing outbuilding at Font House, 2 Coulston for Mr Hicks
20/07825/TCA T1 Beech, T2 Sycamore. Reduce by 2-3m all round to remove branches from the adjoining property and gain more light to the small garden at 3 Salisbury Hollow for Mr John Swain
20/08684/TCA Remove Liquidamber at Parsonage Farm 27 Westbury Road for Mrs Anita Ronn
20/08700/TCA Walnut – remove; Beech Tree – crown reduce 3m at Rhencullen 15 Lower Road for Mr Stewart Jenkinson
The next council meeting is on Monday 10 November 7.30p/m. on zoom. Application to join meeting via web site