The Parish council wish you all a Very Happy Christmas
The council will be putting up a Christmas tree again this year kindly donated by the Three Daggers . Unfortunately our usual celebrations will Not take place. However we would like to encourage all villagers to put some outside lights up to bring some Christmas cheer to the village.
In place of our Christmas lights switch on celebration we would also like to invite you all to turn your Christmas outside lights on Friday 11 December at 6pm and join your neighbours in a Christmas socially distanced drink over the garden wall.
Bins. We are repairing or renewing some of the village bins. The bin in Inmead will hopefully be shortly returned by the county council. All bins are for general litter and dog bags please use them.
Covid 19 With lock down through November and December an unknown we anticipate that there may a demand for the village helpline to assist people. The Edington Village Helpline can provide assistance with shopping, collecting prescriptions, dog walking and a listening and talking service along with many other things that we can find access too. If you need help please call the helpline and we can help you in these difficult times, if we cannot help we will find someone who can.. The Parish Council has received some donations to help villagers experiencing difficulty in these times, if you are struggling to purchase essential items or pay outstanding bills please contact the helpline and we may be able to assist you.
Burial Ground. The field behind the burial ground has been an under-utilized piece of land for some years. The council plan to tackle the hedge line and restore the entrance onto the coal walk this autumn with the intention of replanting the whole area with wild flowers with paths and a seating area next spring
Playing field. The council have agreed to replace the metal netting on the climbing frame and renew the football goal post netting. Hopefully these will be in place shortly
a. The following applications have been received: –
i. 20/08543/FUL Extensions and alterations to dwelling including creation of first floor at 14 Court Lane for Mr and Mrs W & I Dunbar
ii. 20/08786/TCA up to 2m crown reduction of 2 Maple trees (T1 & T2) at 14 Orchard House 2A Lower Road for Mr David Pike
iii. 20/08784/VAR Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans), 3 & 9 of 19/03587/FUL to allow for design improvements at land west of 15 Westbury Road (Tudour Cottage) for Bigglestone
The next Parish Council meeting is 14 December 7.30 on Zoom . Open to all villagers ,joining details via Village Website click on PC link and a link will be sent to you
Notification received for Road closures on B3098
Temporary Closure of: B3098 Westbury Road (Part), Edington (Ref: TTRO 6833) Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: B3098 Westbury Road (Part), Edington; from its junction with Charlton Hill for a distance of approximately 150 metres in a westerly direction.
To enable: Wessex Water to carry out manhole cover replacement and associated works.
This Order will come into operation on 08 January 2021 and the closure will be required daily between the hours of 09:30 and 15:00 for one day.
Temporary Closure of: B3098 Westbury Road (Part), Edington (Ref: TTRO 6834) Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic: B3098 Westbury Road (Part), Edington; from its junction with Greater Lane for a distance of approximately 300 metres in an easterly direction.
To enable: BT to carry out access for periodic tests on poles and associated works.
This Order will come into operation on 07 January 2021 and the closure will be required daily between the hours of 09:30 and 15:00 for one day.
Temporary closure Bratton carriageway
As consultant representative for Wiltshire Council, I write to inform you of carriageway repair works programmed on B3098 Westbury Road, Melbourne Street, Bratton From Fiztroy farm through the village to end of 30 mile limit in the west
These works involve carriageway repairs ahead of surface dressing works which are to be undertaken next spring, and the adjustment of surface ironwork.
The works will take place from Monday 30th November 2020 and will be completed by Wednesday 2nd December 2020, between the hours of 09:00 and 16:00.
Due to the nature of the works and the local environment the works will be carried out within a temporary road closure, to ensure that adequate health & safety is maintained for both the Contractor and local residents.