The Edington Parish Council is working with the local community to ensure help is available for all residents who require assistance, including those who are self-isolating or restricting their movements because they are particularly vulnerable due to age, situation or underlying health problems.
All households will be affected in some way, and we are urgently making plans to:
- Check on any vulnerable families, friends and neighbours.
- Identify those who are self-isolating, so we will arrange to contact them and check that they’re ok.
- Ensure residents are kept informed of the help available.
- Identify volunteers who are willing to assist in providing practical assistance (e.g. collecting and delivering shopping to those who are self-isolating).
- Ensuring that everyone in the village gets access to the same and most accurate information.
If you would like to volunteer to support please visit the village website and complete the registration form. We will then arrange for one of the village coordinators to contact you with the requests from villagers.
If you would like assistance you can request this through the website or by calling 07933143021 and leave a message and we will arrange for someone to get back to you to offer support.
The village website also contains links to the other websites that have the latest information.
The village twitter feed will keep you up to date with the latest village news,
In the meantime why not adopt a couple of your neighbours and ensure that they have all that they need to get through this ongoing problem. Please do not assume that your neighbours are ok just because you haven’t seen them recently why not contact them today to make sure.
John Pollard
Chair Edington Parish Council