The council wish you all a belated new year. We hope 2021 proves to be kinder to us all than 2020.
We would like to thank the Three daggers for their donation of the Christmas tree in the playing field.
The Council are liaising with county council re resurfacing Salisbury Hollow. Hopefully we will see progress in near future but the county council are currently very busy fighting corona virus.
The corona virus is also causing vehicles to increase their speed as roads emptier. Please watch your speed when travelling though villages especially as more people are out walking.
It has been lovely to see more families and dog walkers using our footpaths. Unfortunately this has increased litter and dog mess. Out thanks go to a recently arrived resident of Bratton that has been collecting rubbish and used dog poo bags from the hill . Not a pleasant Job and should be unnecessary so please take litter including poo bags home with you. Remember Plastic poo bags take 1000 years to break down
The neighbourhood plan is progressing It is currently looking into housing issues within the village. There is still time to get involved please contact council if interested.
The village working group is currently suspended but has been very busy over the last few months clearing the pond, painting porch of parish hall footpaths clearing, tacking overgrown hedge line along coal path to name a few. Could you volunteer to join the team when restrictions allow?
The PC invite people to submit their views on the incinerator directly to the Environment Agency if they so wish as the PC will not submit a statement as it cannot fairly represent the differing views of the village. The closing date for submissions is 21st February
The Edington Village Helpline can provide assistance with shopping, collecting prescriptions, dog walking and a listening and talking service along with many other things that we can find access too. If you need help please call the helpline and we can help you in these difficult times, if we cannot help we will find someone who can help you. The Parish Council has received some donations to help villagers experiencing difficulty in these times, if you are struggling to purchase essential items or pay outstanding bills please contact the helpline and we may be able to assist you.
Planning submissions The following applications have been received: –
- 20/10618/LBC demolition of substandard single storey lean-to at rear and erection of replacement. Internal alterations. Demolition of Porch at Funtingdon House 10 Tinhead Road for Mrs Emily Roberts
- 20/11660/TCA Removal of small cherry blossom tree in front garden. The tree is directly on top of a sewer line and the owner is worried the roots are going to compromise the sewer and it is also quite close to the house at 14 Tinhead Road for Mr Steve Forward
Next Parish council meeting 9 February 7.30 on zoom all villagers welcome see website for information on how to join meeting