Policing We welcome PCSO Luke George who has just been appointed as our police community support officer. Please make him feel welcome if you see him around the village. Wiltshire Police Force are reinvesting in community policing and have a commitment to train additional police officers and PCSO’s in the coming year to boost the work force.
Housing Needs Survey. A questionnaire was delivered to all houses in Edington with the last News. Please fill it out if you have not already done so. This will enable us to find the direction of where villagers want the village to go. Your views are important so make sure yours are counted. You can fill it on line, drop it into the post office or collectors will collect during first week in March closing date 9 March
Roads – A new Speed Indicator Device (SID) should be in place by the time you read this article. Hopefully this will help motorists reduce their speed.
New signs – You will see ‘unsuitable for HGV vehicles’ signs appearing on roads leading to Monastery Road these will hopefully reduce the number of lorries getting stuck or denuding the banks on the Monastery road bend.
Additional white lines -The County Council have agreed to renew and extend current white lines at road edges. This gives the allusion of the road being narrower so helping reduce speed. Unfortunately painting requires dry conditions so probably will not be achieved until the summer.
Lighting; the county council will be replacing all roadside lighting to LED in the coming months
Annual litter pick – this will take place on 7 March meet 9.30am at church car park. Please come and help us clean up the village, some pickers gloves and yellow tabards will be provided or bring your own. The more volunteers the less distance everybody has to cover
Parking – Please avoid parking on grass verges and thereby help keep the village looking good.
Best Kept Village – We are looking for volunteers to spearhead this year’s competition. Please contact Edington Parish Council if interested either via the website or email :- parishcouncil@edingtonwiltshire.org.uk
Waste and recycled collections are changing. All recycled material except glass and fabric should be put in the blue bin. Glass and clothing to be placed in the black box. The routes may also be changed, as may the day and time of the collection. A letter will be sent to each household informing them of when changes will occur.
ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING -This will take place on Monday 27 April at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome more details in next month’s edition of the News.