In May the Parish Council will be up for election alongside the County Council, this is your opportunity to give something back and help shape the village future. To apply packs can be downloaded from Wiltshire County Council website and need to be returned by 8 April. It would be good for democracy to actually have an election so please consider standing.
Litter: We were unable to organise our usual litter pick this year due to covid but unfortunately the lockdown has not decreased the amount of litter. We are looking for volunteers to either adopt a piece of road to help keep litter free or go out on occasional litter picks. To assist you the Parish Council have invested in a number of litter pickers available to loan from Pauline at the post office or through the village website. Our Thanks go to Eloise a sixth form student who has already been picking up litter on Salisbury Hollow and inspired us to encourage others. A report on her findings in Edington’s e-news
Recently there have been several incidents of dogs in the children’s play area. There are clear signs prohibiting dogs on all the gates. Dog faeces are known to spread some nasty diseases. Those breaking regulations are putting our children at risk. We believe that most belong to visitors to the village so if you feel able and it is safe to do so please challenge them.
Fouling of footpaths is becoming an increasing problem now the warmer weather is here. Please be a good neighbour and pick up after your dogs including in fields, as livestock are now reappearing. It is a joy to see lambs frolicking again but please keep dogs under close control when walking near them. Ever year we have cases of sheep being savaged. Even chasing sheep can cause them to miscarry. This is very upsetting to the farmers as well as a financial hit and could result in your dog being shot or you fined.
We respectfully request horse riders to stick to roads and bridal ways. Using footpaths is illegal as well as dangerous to pedestrians as they are usually too narrow for people and horses to pass safely. Horses have been seen recently on the footpath to the Weir, Charlton Hill and Coach Hollow all well used pedestrian walkways.
The council has been asked by the Parish Hall committee to consider installing some lighting, as the car park has been identified as being unsafe for users after dark, especially as there is no nearby lighting and the surface is uneven thereby posing a health and safety risk. We will shortly be erecting two LED solar powered lights that will be activated by motion sensors to provide illumination within the car park and a small LED solar powered bollard light near the entrance to assist people entering the car park before the main lights are illuminated.
The village working group will be restarting their work on the field beside the burial ground once restrictions are lifted. If you would like to volunteer contact John Pollard or John Richardson directly or through the website.
Planning applications
21/01361/FUL and 21/02154/LBC Construct new outbuilding and convert existing barn into residential annex at Beckett’s House 19 Tinhead Road for Mr T Ridd