Parish Council

CouncillorRole(s)Contact numberEmail address
John PollardChairman, Westbury Area Board and Westbury Community Area Liaison, Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG), Village Website, Community Speed Watch830441
Emily GreeningVice Chair, Police Liaison and Neighbourhood Watch830248
Pauline DorganPlayfield830013
Steve ForwardTBC
John HardmanHighways Liaison830491
Chris JohnsFootpaths, B3098 Strategy and Local Highways and Footway Improvement Group (LHFIG)831197
Bob KingPlanning Liaison830223
Helen O’DonoghueCivil Emergency Plan, Link representative, New Comers coordinator, Westbury Area Board830501
Liz PikeVillage Burial Ground and Taylor Trust representative
Climate Issues
Mike SwabeyBA13 + Health Issues830043
Chloe WattsNew Comers Co-ordinator, News Co-ordinator830600
Suzanne WickhamThe Wiltshire Councillor representing the area07967 213336

The Parish Council consists of eleven members and is serviced by the Clerk, Malcolm Wieck (tel 01380 830256). It meets on the second Monday of each month in the Parish Hall commencing at 7.30 pm. The public are welcome to attend the meetings.

Your Parish Council is the first layer of local government with the aim of responding to local needs and engaging local people in decision making. Parish Councillors attend other bodies as community representatives to ensure that the voice of Edington is heard. The Parish Council looks at the need to provide facilities in the village for the benefit of the community and takes a view on planning proposals and surveys such that the integrity of our community is protected.”

 Contact Edington Parish Council here..

 Copies of the minutes from previous meetings can be found here.

 The register of interests of the parish councillor’s can be found here.