The last meeting held on 4th June it was a bit different. It was a Zoom meeting.
Members joined in the very enjoyable chatty format.
The AGM report, Secretary’s report and Treasurer’s report were all adopted, and Stephen Henning was welcomed to the committee.
David then told us a little about the Hardy Plant Society. He is the coordinator for the Urchfont ‘side shoot’. The meetings are the last Friday in the Month at Urchfont Village Hall from September to May, do get in touch with him if you are interested in attending, when things are back to normal!
Jan explained about our non – garden visits for this year but hopefully all will continue next year. (we still have 1 trip planned for September, to The American Museum, we will let you know if that will go ahead)
As the NGS scheme has tentatively started we have decided to go ahead with our meeting in August (members only) which will be at The Old Vicarage, courtesy of John D’Arcy. All the Covid -19 regulations at that time will be adhered to. Further details will be given out to members nearer the time.
Malcom sent a report on the allotments:
The good news is that the last remaining vacant plot has been occupied. Andy and his family worked really hard to turn a weedy patch into a productive plot in a matter of weeks. Everyone was very impressed although a bit concerned that the bar was being set a bit high for the rest of us.
Most years we stand around scratching our heads, trying to work out the best time to sow and plant but this year has been a really difficult one.
There was a dry spell followed by 2 days of rain at the end of April, a distant memory now, which caused a flurry of planting only to be caught out by a late frost. Early potatoes shoots were killed off but have now recovered. Those who had planted runner beans were less fortunate.
Given we have had 5 weeks without rain, the crops are holding up quite well. The grass in the field has been cut, all the plots are tidy and weed free (well almost weed free), so we are looking very smart. Thanks to Mike, the manure heap has been replenished, ready for the autumn. We are so organised!
At the time of writing (2nd June) the forecasters are promising rain in the next day or so, here’s hoping they are right.
Late news: The mole is back – great, I really wanted my recently sown seed redistributed over the rest of the plot.
The Flower & Produce Show was discussed, and it is looking more than likely that this will not go ahead in the usual way in the Parish Hall. However, we are looking at alternative ways to do something. So meanwhile please take lots of photographs of your garden, that special vegetable or plant you would like to show off, or that craft item you have completed during ‘lockdown’. Watch this Space!
Hopefully, we can resume our usual meetings in the Parish Hall in October.
If anyone has any surplus plants, please let me know so I can pass on the details to our members.
If you would like to put an article or photograph into the members’ newsletter, please send it to me.
Jacky Hiscock (830133)