After a long break through the summer Lockdown when we had time to tend our gardens the club had its first meeting in months on 6th. August.
It was a beautiful evening when seven of us met on the drive of John D’Arcy’s garden. We were delighted that our first meeting was in the village with kind permission John who showed us round pointing out his many plants.
We started on the drive with a display of blue Agapanthus, then round the side of the house to a large lawn surrounded by large trees. John explained that when he moved to the house he found the garden to be exceptionally windy due to its position on the edge of Salisbury plain, hence he planted various trees which now stand tall and stately.
Down a few steps where we admired the view northwards to Steeple Ashton and beyond, to really enhance this view John has planted an avenue of Hornbeam proud in their position. This part of the garden is filled with bulbs in the spring but at this time of year there are Cyclamen and many varieties of Hydrangea which are flowering, some changing colour because of the different soil, one a beautiful powder blue.
We then moved to the side of the house and on to where John has a national collection of Evening Primrose, some still flowering in the heat. Onwards through the side gate to be greeted with lovely perfume from the shrub Itea flowering at the side of the drive.
We had a lovely evening, thank you John D’Arcy.