Planning. The following planning applications have been received from Wiltshire Council and they were discussed.
- PL/2021/10337/FUL Demolition of existing outbuilding. New build to form gym/garden room and carport with walled and landscaped area to include inground swimming pool and low retaining walls at Merrilea, Westbury Road for Mr P Hampson. The further information requested has been received and circulated
- PL/2022/00911/TCA Fell Cherry Tree at 14 Tinhead Road for Mr Stephen Forward
- PL/2022/00585/TCA T1 Ash – severe die back – remove; T2 Horse Chestnut, remove heavy over extended limb over fence only to minimise damage to the fence at Silverwell House, Long Hollow for Mr Bob Smith
- PL/2022/00880/FUL erection of garage with office above at Ashton View, 5 Longlands Close for Mr and Mrs Parmley
- PL/2022/00955/FUL proposed demolition of existing detached garage and attached conservatory to rear of building. Erection of single storey rear extension at 9A Tinhead Road for Ian and Andrea Howard
The Parish Council are organising a village litter pick for Saturday 12 March, meet in the Parish Hall car park at 9.30 am. We hope to be able to provide some litter pick tools but please bring your own if you have one also please wear a reflective yellow vest if you have one to ensure that everyone is safe whilst collecting litter from along the road side.
Now that the collection of rubbish from our bins has been moved to the same day for all of the bins for most people can we please be extra vigilant in ensuring that where we place the bins does not cause problems for pedestrians using the few pavements that we have in the village. Also please consider where you place your bins to avoid problems for motorists when pulling out of junctions. The Parish Council will monitor the situation to try to mitigate any problems.
Platinum Jubilee celebrations – a group of villagers are interested in trying to organise street parties over the weekend of the jubilee and one suggestion is that all of the street parties are held on the playfield, please let Pauline in the Post Office or Liz Pike know whether you would be interested in helping the organising or if you have any alternative suggestions as to what the village could do over this extended bank holiday.
The Parish Council are looking to give all of the children in the village a Platinum Jubilee gift. If you have a child 11 years of age or under and you would like them to receive a gift please give their name to either Pauline or Liz by Friday 11th March.
Dog walkers please remember to clear up after your dog and ensure that if they are off the lead you still pick up their “offerings” and dispose of it in a rubbish bin, the poo fairy will not come along and clear up after you. Can we also remind owners that lambing time is here and that all dogs should be on leads when near to sheep and cattle.