Noel Kew, a Bratton Councillor, spoke to the council on the value of the Memorandum of Understanding document on Environmental and Sustainability Cooperation which he had prepared for all the local councils in our area. He asked us to consider adopting the document for future working together on climate change and environmental projects. The council will make a decision at our next meeting.
The following application has been received and it was discussed.
PL/2022/10284/FUL Alterations to existing BBQ Hut with addition of lean-to covered way. Change of Use of part of garden to No 53 Westbury Road from C3 to A3. Provision of stretch tent at The Three Daggers for Three Daggers Ltd
The following decision has been received.
PL/2022/00585/TCA T1 Ash – severe die back – remove; T2 Horse Chestnut, remove heavy over extended limb over fence only to minimise damage to the fence at Silverwell House, Long Hollow for Mr Bob Smith – no objection.
Police Report. The police have on going investigations into various local crimes and incidents. There have been a series of thefts from various locations and an incident in the play park.
Please report any incidents to the police if someone knocks on your door intending to sell items.
Area Board Meeting. The Police and Crime Commissioner visited the recent meeting. He is aware of local needs having engaged with those who attended the meeting representing the local area. Area Board Meetings are open to all members of the public. Recently the Parish Hall has been successful in gaining a grant for equipment for indoor bowls.
Highways Matters.
The consultation period for the 20 mph plans for the village has now ended. Work will proceed shortly.
The litter pick on 12 th. March was a success. Thank you to all who helped care for the village in this way. Thank you too to everyone who continues to care for our village in many other ways.