Congratulations to the May ball and Fair committee’s on two very successful events.
Best kept village This year we came second in the West Wilts Area so well done everybody.
Overhanging Hedges and grass verges. We would be grateful if villagers could check the outside of their boundary hedges and insure they do not block visibility on roads or obstruct footpaths, This is the householders responsibility. We are also hoping that villagers will take responsibility for small pieces of verges outside or near your homes as this makes a huge difference to the tidiness of the village. Thank you to those who already do so.
Defibrillator We now have one in the village. It is located at the Three Daggers on the fence near the playing field gate. It is very easy to use and gives full instructions at time of use. A video of how to use it is available on Edington website. In the event of cardiac arrest ring 999 and they will give the access code. If you live in the Edington end of village you may have to request it as the emergency services will only automatically give information if incident happens within 5 minute walk of machine.
Car Parking A plea from our farming community to park considerately and leave ample room for large farm vehicles such as combine harvesters. The worst black spots are Long Hollow and around The Green. We appreciate that parking in the village is limited but It is an offence to block a highway as well as a great inconvenience to our farmers.
Playing Field We try very hard to keep the playing field looking nice and safe for children to play in so it is a great disappointment to regularly discover Dog Poo in the field. Can the culprits who take dogs in play area stop endangering our children’s health. Dog faeces is known to carry diseases. We would be grateful if the village can help us maintain this area as dog free by challenging anyone seen taking dogs into it.
Planning 19/04715/LBC Structural repairs to kitchen wall, replacement floor to kitchen and hall area, removal of single sheet of glazing in the west elevation and reinstatement of traditional casement timber window to match existing at Becketts House 19 Tinhead Road for Mr and Mrs Tim Ridd
Next Parish Council meeting is 8 July at the Parish Hall. Villagers always welcome.