The Parish Council have been informed that the new 20mph areas in the village are still scheduled to be installed before the end of January 2023. (Update workmen were seen on Monday) Please ensure that when they are in situ we all adhere to them by ensuring that we keep to under 20mph and this will ensure that any following motorists also keep to the speed limit. Remember we have introduced these limits to make the roads in the village safer for everyone.
As part of the Parish Council’s mission to improve the safety of all road users the Chair recently met with a senior highways engineer from Wiltshire Council and Suzanne Wickham our Wiltshire Councillor to look at other measures that could be implemented on the B3098 to reduce the speed of traffic through the village. The Parish Council look forward to receiving the suggestions as to what can be undertaken, at a cost to the Parish Council, to improve the safety for all road users.
On Monday of this week we had a visit from a Wiltshire Police Speed Enforcement Officer, she
recorded 8 motorists exceeding the speed limit, 7 will be offered a speed awareness course and 1 will be given £100 fine and receive 3 penalty points.
Dog fouling has again been raised by a number of villagers who are fed up with finding offerings left by irresponsible dog owners on the footpaths around the village, please ensure that if you take a dog for a walk around the village you bag and bin any excrement left by the dog.