Edington Parish Council news for May 2022

The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in May where the offices and roles of responsibility were appointed for the year ahead.

Chairman John Pollard Vice Chair Emily Greening

Cheque Signatories Pauline Dorgan and Bob King

Planning Liaison Bob King Neighbourhood Planning Mark Burgess

Highways Liaison with the Parish Steward John Hardman

Footpaths and B098 Strategy Chris Johns Burial Ground Liz Pike

Police Liaison and Neighbourhood Watch Emily Greening

Website John Pollard Speed Watch John Pollard

Playfield Pauline Dorgan Westbury Area Board Helen O’Donoghue

Newcomers Helen O’Donoghue and Chloe Watts

Civil Emergency Plan Helen O’Donoghue

The News Contact Chloe Watts Climate and Environment Liz Pike

Parish Hall Link Helen O’Donoghue

Neighbourhood Planning.

Mark has made contact with Wiltshire Council asking them for clarification about what is preventing us from moving forward with the Neighbourhood Plan.


The following applications have been received:-

PL/2022/02760/FUL – Refurbishment and renovation of existing bungalow at Sunny Brae 4 Downsview for Mr Pierre Verlinde

PL/2022/02770/FUL and PL/2022/02998/LBC Conversion of existing Greenhouse to Orangery and creation of adjacent potting shed at Shore Hall 8 Tinhead Road for Mr Dean Davies

PL/2022/02498/FUL Change of Use of 3 existing agricultural buildings to commercial use, specifically falling within Class B8 & B2 at Ivy Mill Farm for Mr and Mrs John and Sandra Padfield

PL/2022/02822/LBC and PL/2022/02701/FUL Rebuilding of garden wall within the curtilage of listed building at The Priory for Mr Chad Pike

The following decisions have been received:-

PL/2022/02468/TPO T1 – Beech (weeping) – pruning to suitable growth points to gain a 3.5m safety clearance from the high voltage powerlines, then reducing the tree to maintain an even and balanced crown (predominantly on the roadside) Works to clear the powerlines fall under paragraph 9 of Schedule 4 to the Electricity Act 1989 with the application submitted for the additional pruning to the tree to maintain an even and balanced crown at Greater Lane Farm for Mr Dan Sheppard – approved

PL/2021/09422/FUL Demolition of the existing garage building and erection of a larger replacement garage with matching materials at Luccombe Mill for Mr Henry Pelly – approved

PL/2022/00880/FUL Erection of garage with office above at Ashton View 5 Longlands Close for Mr and Mrs Parmley.- approved

Playfield. Discussions are continuing with The Three Daggers.

Highways. Our Highways Engineer has retired. We now share an engineer with Warminster and Westbury.

Neighbourhood Watch. Progress is being made with this project.

Highways. There is no news on timings for the projects for double yellow lining and 20 mph speed limits around the village.

Burial Ground.

Changes have been made to the charges for use of the Burial Ground. There was also discussion about naming the paddock beyond the Burial Ground until it is needed for burials. Suggestions are welcome and there will be further discussions at the next meeting.

Defibrillator. The new defibrillator is expected to be fitted into the box on the side of the Priory Church toilet block as soon as it arrives. The Parish Council is grateful for a donation of £700 from the church towards the cost.