Have you signed up for village e letter 2nd edition out now available on website or hard copy at post office or get it dropped into your inbox by contacting newsletter@edingtonwiltshire.org.uk . Nearly ninety people have already signed up don’t miss out this month as well as updates re corvid 19 there are articles on Monks Well our only grade one building other than the Church and an article on birds sighted in the village area.
HGV signs now up on all minor roads leading off the B3098 , hopefully this will stop banks being eroded and prevent long lorries getting stuck at the right hand bend on Monastery Road as well as being safer for pedestrians.
The speeding SID outside the Three Daggers shows that 69% of vehicles are above 30 mph and 30% above 35, in light of this the police will be doing some spot checks. You have been warned!
Salisbury Hollow resurfacing hopefully will take place in July
Bonfires. The council have had some complaints re bonfires. Wiltshire council advice is to avoid lighting them at moment, they can easily get out of hand particularly in dry weather, tying up valuable fire service time when they are busy on corvid duties, also the virus causes chest problems exacerbated by smoke inhalation, if you must light one be mindful of neighbours and only light in the late evenings. Please compost or dispose of green waste in green bin.
Harvest time is fast approaching therefore large farm vehicles such as combine harvesters will be out on our narrow roads, please allow space for them when parking particularly in Tinhead Road and Longhollow .
Parking near junctions is also problematic at moment. Parking should be 10m from a junction and not inhibit view of joining traffic. The police will also be monitoring this.
Warning to remain alert re corvid 19 it has not gone and with the pubs and shops opening and life returning to some form of normal the infection rate is expected to rise again. Please continue to observe social distancing and keep washing those hands The village help line is still active if you find you need help. The book swaps at the Parish Hall and bus shelter are still available.
Planning applications received:
- 20/04188/TCA: T1 Lime tree situated at the corner of the toilet block in the car park. Reduce height of tree by up to 2.5m and reduce width on all sides by up to 1.5m at land adjoining the Church Monastery Road for Mrs Pinson
- 20/03973/FUL installation of new first floor balcony at Brocksway House 46A Westbury Road for Anna Klonowski
- 20/04318/FUL single storey timber orangery at Luccombe Mill Imber Road Bratton for Mr Pellyng
Next Parish council meeting 13 July, if necessary. It will be an online meeting and if you wish to attend apply via village web site and a link will be sent to you.