Happy New Year to you all.
The Parish Council would like to thank the Three Daggers for the donation of the village Christmas tree and their support in erecting and maintaining it, also for donating refreshments for the switch on ceremony, their support is appreciated.
Speeding through the village: We have been granted £2000 from the area board towards the £4000 cost of a speed device with a smiley face, this will initially be moved between two sites on the B3098 and we hope to have the device in place by the end of March
Our five new volunteers to speed watch are awaiting training. We would welcome anybody else who would like to join the team. The more trained villagers we have the more frequently we can operate the camera which helps reduce speeding through the village
Help us keep the village looking good by avoiding parking on verges in this damp weather as verges and grass are easily damaged; this seems to be a particular problem around the green in Tinhead Road.
Scams The police have reported that individuals claiming to be from the water board our calling on houses in our area. They carry realistic ID that is false. These are fraudsters out to defraud you of money. If unexpected service people call, ring the company using directory services or a number on a bill but not a number provided by the caller to check if genuine and alert police if you think they are bogus.
VE day: A reminder that the early May bank holiday has moved from Monday 5th May to Friday 8th May. The Parish Council do not intend to organise a village celebration but villagers may organise street parties if they wish to do so.
Following a meeting of the Westbury Area Transport Group we have secured the funding for the positioning of “No HGV” signs around the village on the roads leading to Edington Station Yard, this will hopefully reduce significantly the damage to the bank in Monastery Road on the bend. Also at this meeting our bid to secure funding for the introduction of 20mph limit on many of the village roads was approved and this will now enable the Parish Council to work with Wiltshire Highways in introducing them within the next eighteen months as long it gets approval from Wiltshire Council.