Geoffrey Lupton – Geoff one of our recent councillors died suddenly at the end of October. He was a relative new comer into Edington but had joined in village activities from his arrival and this included joining the parish council where he had responsibility for Community Speed Watch, Police Liaison and the pond on the green. He was often seen deep into the pond, clearing the weed and generally tending to it as if it was his own. You may also have seen him standing by the side of the road near the Three Daggers with his yellow vest checking the speed of the motorists passing through the village.
Following Geoff’s death the council have reallocated his responsibilities and Pauline will now take on Police Liaison, Mike will take on the pond and John will take on Community Speed Watch.
With this edition of the News you will have found a letter from the Parish Council outlining the reasons why we feel that it is necessary to raise the precept for 2020/21 by more than the rate of inflation, please take time to read it. You are invited to a meeting in the Parish Hall on Monday 13 January 2020 at 7.00 pm where we will answer any questions people have about our reasons for increasing the precept.
By the time that you read this we will already be in December and plans are being made for the Christmas tree on the playing field, this year we are again fortunate to have Bratton Training Band coming to the tree lighting which will take place at 6.30 pm on Friday 13th December, make a note in your diary. Come along and sing some of your favourite Christmas carols and enjoy the evening, the Three Daggers are planning to provide some refreshments and weather permitting will open the outdoor bar.
Part of the playfield has been cordoned off as we are having it relevelled and reseeded please keep off the cordoned off area to allow the grass time to get established ready for next summer.
Unfortunately not all residents of the village are considerate when it comes to parking and some people have taken to parking on the grass around the green in Tinhead Road, if you must park in this area please do so on the road not on the grass.
Finally you may have seen some posters around the village and in this magazine about speeding motorists, we can assist in dissuading them from speeding through the village by the use of Community Speed Watch, however this can only happen if we have volunteers to operate it. If you can spare a couple of hours a month to join the group we can make an impact on the speeders! Please contact the Parish Council through the website to volunteer for this.
The Parish Council would like to wish all villagers a happy Christmas and New Year.