Edington Parish Council news for April 2022

Noel Kew, a Bratton Councillor, who spoke to the council at the April meeting on the value of the Memorandum of Understanding document on Environmental and Sustainability Cooperation which he had prepared for all the local councils in our area, has since resigned from Bratton Parish Council due to the demands of his employment. The way forward is unclear in the light of Noel’s resignation. However the Parish Council will continue its policy of ensuring that its actions are not harmful to the environment and will encourage others to act in a similar way.


The following decisions have been made by Wiltshire Council.

PL/2022/00911/TCA Fell Cherry Tree at 14 Tinhead Road for Mr Stephen Forward – no objection

PL/2022/01621/LDC (Lawful Development Certificate) demolish the existing small garden studio/workspace building and replace it with a new larger studio/workspace building at Luccombe Mill for Mr Henry Pelly – approve

PL/2021/08763/FUL Removal of existing outbuildings and the erection of 1 no. detached dwelling; with associated access, parking, turning, landscaping and private amenity space. Erection of associated cartshed. Blocking up of existing access at Greater Lane Farm for I Smith & D Smith – approve

The Parish Council looked at the following planning applications.

PL/2022/02468/TPO T1 – Beech (weeping) – pruning to suitable growth points to gain a 3.5m safety clearance from the high voltage powerlines, then reducing the tree to maintain an even and balanced crown (predominantly on the roadside) Works to clear the powerlines fall under paragraph 9 of Schedule 4 to the Electricity Act 1989 with the application submitted for the additional pruning to the tree to maintain an even and balanced crown at Greater Lane Farm for Mr Dan Sheppard

PL/2022/00880/FUL Erection of garage with office above at Ashton View 5 Longlands Close for Mr and Mrs Parmley

PL/2021/04036/ FUL Change of use from E(g)(iii) Industrial processes to Holiday let and associated conversion works at Luccombe Mill for Mr Henry Pelly

Highway Matters/ Footpaths/ CATG.

The Parish Council has been successful in a bid for £980 from the Area Board to pay for a new kissing gate on a footpath EDIN 17 and a bridleway gate EDIN 16 both near the end of Lambourn Lane. These will be installed during the summer.

Jubilee Arrangements.

Jubilee Celebration arrangements for street parties are being made in Berry Road with Court Lane, Tinhead Road by the pond, Inmead and Charlton Hill. There may be other plans in the village for the Jubilee Celebrations. Talk to your neighbours if you would like to be involved in any special events over the days of celebration.

On Friday 3 June there will an exhibition in the Parish Hall entitled Edington Landscapes between 2pm and 4.30pm.

Mugs for the jubilee have been ordered for children in the village where they have been requested.

Full details of these and any other events will be published on the village website nearer the time.


A box for the a new defibrillator has been installed on the outside wall of the toilets building in The Priory Church Car Park. The defibrillator will be put in the box when it arrives. Thank you to all those who have given to this project which also benefited from an Area Board Grant.


BBC Radio Wiltshire Make a Difference Awards.

This year BBC Radio Wiltshire wants to celebrate and say thank you to people living in our villages, towns and cities who make where we live a better place.

Every we hear stories of people doing incredible things for each other and their communities. Now it’s time to recognise them for all their hard work.

Whether it’s caring for someone in need, being a brilliant neighbour, or inspiring children in the classroom, if you know someone who is really making a difference to our lives then you can nominate them for an Award

There are 8 categories;

• Volunteer

• Community Group

• Fundraiser

• Carer

• Great Neighbour

• Key Worker

• Environment

• Together award

You can nominate someone you know at bbc.co.uk/makeadifference where you can also see full Terms and our Privacy Notice. Nominations are now open and will close on the 29th of April 2022 at 11:00pm. The winners will be announced at our Make a Difference awards ceremony in September.

All the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings can be found on the village website edingtonwiltshire.org.uk