Casual Vacancy We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to join the Parish council ,Contact Malcolm Wieck tel 830256 if interested.
Police report. Reminder to all residents ensure you lock your garaged and sheds , at this time of year there is an increase in gardening power tools being stolen from insecure sheds. It is a good idea to keep a record of any serial numbers, Websites such as allow you to securely register the details of valuable items
There has been a spate of car thefts in the area. Always lock the car and do not leave handbags etc on view
Door to door Pedlars have been in the area again. They do not have valid licence to trade, do not buy anything from them and report to the police if you see them.
Village Playground The Play area is an important and valued area that is well used by villagers and visitors. It is owned by the village and managed by the Parish council for your enjoyment. We have had a request for more play equipment for the under fives so we are considering purchasing one or more pieces . Your ideas are welcome , there is a catalogue in the post office . please give your ideas to Pauline Dorgan at the post office Tel 830013 . We are saddened by the disrespect shown by some villagers who continue to walk dogs in the field putting children’s health at risk.
Road works You will have noticed that work had now started on the B3098. We are pleased to inform you that £1500 has also been set aside to help slow down traffic by the pond in Tinhead road. All our roads will shortly have a heavy traffic survey .
Speedwatch coordinator We are looking for someone to take over this valuable job . it is not a lot of work but speedwatch in the village cannot continue without one. Somebody must have a few hours they could spare to help.
Village benches We would like to thank Mr and Mrs Richardson for volunteering to maintain the village benches. Your hard work is much appreciated
Planning 16/0236/FUL Rear Single storey extension (resubmission of W/12/01954/FUL) at 4 A Tinhead Road for Mr Vincent Albano