Council Elections Unfortunately there will be no Parish Council elections this May as only 10 Parishioners applied for 11 Places so all elected unopposed This will mean the council will have a vacancy and will need to co opt another councillor following the election date. The County Council seat is being contested so you will have the chance vote on 5 May.
Speedwatch now running well .The gun will be returning to the village shortly however we are short of volunteers to man the gun. If you are concerned re speeding in the village please volunteer even if you can only spare a few hours, full training given. Contact Geoff Lupton 831378 if interested.
Parking on the Green has become very problematic with emergency vehicles, farm traffic and delivery vans often unable to enter Court Lane. This is very dangerous and frustrating for the tradesmen. It is illegal to park closer than 15 meters from a junction, the police have been requested to monitor. If any of the owners of cars parked regularly there can find alternative parking the council would be very grateful.
Parish Steward The post of Parish steward is now working well. He comes one day a month to do odd jobs around the village such as verge cutting, potholes, clearing drains and overgrown footpaths. If he is not fully employed the county council will cut the frequency this had already happened to some neighbouring villages. If any Parishioner sees any jobs that need doing contact Emily Greening 830248. You are our eyes and ears.
Little Bins The council are thinking of putting in more litter/dog waste bins. The County Council no longer distinguishes between them. If anybody has ideas on best place to site new bins please contact a councillor.
Best Kept Village competition Edington has entered the best kept village competition again this year following our success last year. Judging for the West Wiltshire round will take place between mid May and mid June, so please help us to win again by ensuring that not only your front garden is looking at its best but also the surrounding area to your property including the roadside verges. If we are successful in winning the first round the second round judging will take place between mid June and the end of July so please keep tidying as you always do.