Another successful show was held in the Parish Hall on Saturday 2nd September, the entries certainly brightened up the Hall. Thank you to Mercedes for her article and pictures in the September E-News.
Thank you to all those who came along, either entering a class or just marvelling at the entries and enjoying tea and cake.
This is always a social event for the village and judging by the chatter this is just so!
Thank you to the committee and other helpers stewarding or in the tearoom and for the lovely cakes made for consumption! And to those who stayed to put everything away including the marquee.
Congratulations go to Liz Pike who retained both trophies (Best Gross and the Silver Salver best 10 nominated).
On October 5th Joff Elphick will give a talk ‘Crayfish on the lawn’.
As a student Joff worked for Mary Keen while studying horticulture at Pershore under Chris Beardshaw. He writes a weekly blog and produces podcasts and talks about his work as a professional gardener.
We always welcome any guests to come along and join us and see what we are up to.
For more details ring 830133.