Our speaker for the November meeting was Rupert Wade from Easterton Sands, whose talk covered pruning shrubs and small trees. Rupert began with a series of dos and don’ts when approaching pruning. He had with him a number of small bits of branches and twigs to provide examples of the right and wrong ways to prune. Cuts should always be made as close as possible to the trunk or major branch, adjacent to the branch collar to allow the plant to heal over the wound with as small a hole as possible. Any material that has not been cut close will likely die and cause die back in that part of the plant.
Rupert covered ornamental and productive subjects and gave a lot of information on the correct time and method to prune fruit trees and canes, including the training of cordons, fans and espaliers to encourage cropping and allow ease of picking.
The use and care of pruning tools was described – secateurs, which need careful sharpening, loppers, which tend to be less useful for most pruning, and pruning saws. Rupert’s advice was to buy the best saw that you can afford, as they give a much better cut and make for a smoother and easier cut.
Members took great advantage to ask questions about their own pruning problems and Rupert did not disappoint with his helpful and considered answers. There is one key point to remember – does the plant flower/fruit on new or old wood?
If you would like to come along to any of the meetings you are most welcome, we open the Hall at 7.00pm for refreshments and a chat.
There will be no meeting in January, but the February meeting will be all about Houseplants. We look forward to hearing from Pilea Plants of Frome.
Please look on the Village Web site for further information.
On behalf of Edington and District Gardening Club, I would like to wish all our members and those of you who read our reports a Very Happy Festive Season and a Peaceful New Year!
Jacky Hiscock