April 2020
During this unusual period, I would like to extend our club’s contact with you all.
We will not be having any meetings in the Parish Hall until at least June, depending on the current situation.
Members have recently received a newsletter (if you are a member and have not received this, please contact me and I will address the problem)
There have been several requests (members and non-members) and comments about varying gardening topics:
- Are there any spare Runner bean plants?
- Seeds?
- Muck or compost?
- Please support the local garden nurseries at this difficult time. Some are offering a delivery service, please ring them and ask what is available, and keep supporting them. The Nursery at Hilperton is one.
If you can help with any of this, please contact me via email or phone, likewise if you have any request let me know and I will put out a post on the web page. You might like to share a tip or piece of advice.
If anyone, member or non-member, has any photos they would like to post on this page, send them to me (if people are in the picture they must give permission for inclusion before publication)
I enclose a couple of pictures for a guess the plant competition!
Answers next time!
If you are fit and able, I am sure you have lots of plans you wish to put into practice in your garden at this time, I certainly have, ( I enclose a photo of our veg plot to be revamped!). However, we are in this for quite a while I think, so just do a little bit at a time and then get a cup of tea, or a glass of wine! and sit down and enjoy what you have just done! If you would like to share your plans let me know.
Enjoy your gardens especially in this good weather.
Jacky Hiscock (Chairman) jacky.hiscock@outlook.com tel.no. 830133