Abbey near Romsey in June and saw the walled rose garden at the peak of perfection. If you haven’t been yet, do make a note of it – the National Trust Abbey grounds are beautiful, and there is free transport around the estate for those with restricted mobility.
Also in June some of our members in Edington opened their gardens for the club; the sun came out just in time for everyone to enjoy a strawberry cream tea and whether the gardens were large or small, formal or cottage style, the dedication and care made them lovely to enjoy.
June was a busy month as we also enjoyed the Edington Village Fair. There really was fun for everyone and we were very pleased to be joint winners of the best decorated stall on this year’s Olympic theme. The rain mainly stayed off for the crucial hours……..
Please do look at the village website for details about visits planned this Summer, including Sherborne Castle 13th July and Stourhead 4th August plus a visit to Poulshot wholesale nurseries on 6th September instead of our usual club meeting. Also check out details of the great speakers we have lined up.
Visitors are always made welcome at our meetings, which are usually the first Thursday in the month in the parish hall at 7.30 p.m. Ring for details.
Remember to put our Flower & Produce Show date in your diary; 3rd September in Edington Parish Hall & Grounds at 2.30 pm.
Enjoy the rest of the Summer.
Sandie Lewis
Club Secretary
01380 830722