A very hot and sunny day saw 15 adults and 2 children visit Lytes Cary Manor for our August Outing. Members took the opportunity to arrive between 10.00am and 1.45pm, at which time we took a tour around the garden with our own guide. As with our own gardens the green lawns were parched and everything was tinder dry, even the fountain in the pond was not on as the water level had dropped too much. The borders and planted areas however still had plenty of colour to show. The gardens include formal, orchard and wild meadow and is being returned to the original designs of around 1947, using the photographs of the time to help this process.
Originally created by the Lyte family from 1286. The adjoining chapel was built in 1343. After family financial difficulties it was sold to the Jenner family in 1907 who restored it in the 17th century style adding new south, and west wings. With no family to pass the property onto, it was given up to the National Trust in 1948. The whole estate covers 350 acres. We were able to visit the house, chapel, and woodland trail.
Our thanks go to Angeline for arranging this trip.
We are pleased to learn Jackie Haimes, our speaker in June, is taking over Bratton Plant Center, we wish her well for the future.
Don’t forget to enter the Flower & Produce Show on Saturday September 3rd, entries to be staged from 9.00am. Back after a 2 year break!
Open to the Public from 2.30pm with refreshments available.
Our next meeting in the Hall will be Thursday 6th October when we will be thrilled to have Peter Chmiel, Chelsea Gold and Best in Show winner, Autumn 2021.
Visitors are always welcome to join us