2nd March 2023 meeting report
We welcomed one new member and then after a couple of notices reminding members of the 3 outings planned, Nicola Hope gave a very informative introduction to ‘New ideas, new designs, designing your organic garden.’
Having started as a work experience girl at Highgrove, returning later for 5 summers, and then moving on to Pershore college for an HND. Nicola has a wealth of experience, working at Abbey House Gardens and Cole Park, finally gaining her Design diploma.
To plan your garden, start in the winter months when you can see the ‘bones’ of the garden, compost mulch. No dig gardening is very useful, also good for the back! Prune hedging/ design. Paint benches brightly, train wisteria and strappy roses into shapes. Nicola showed some very good slides with lots of ideas. Add sculptures or pots if you can. Symmetry can look spectacular. Spring brings the flowering bulbs however organic bulbs are expensive and whereas ‘Organic’ was the buzz word of the 80’s there has to be some leeway and happy balance in becoming organic. Seeds too should be sourced as heritage/organic/Real seeds. Everything needs a good soil conditioner and natural growing medium. Use wood pruning’s as a hedging idea, also good for the insects and animals.
I am sure a few ideas were gleaned from this very good talk.
There is no meeting in the Parish Hall in April as we are visiting Downside Nursery, Westwood instead with a talk and demonstration on Containers and climbers. This will be a member only evening.
4th May will be our AGM and the speaker will be Chris Wilde ‘All about Roses’ from 7.00pm in the Hall. Visitors are very welcome, Hall open from 7.00pm
Jacky (tel.830133 for any further details)