At our November meeting on Tuesday Sue and Meg will be leading a craft workshop; we have been asked to bring a new face flannel and a bar of soap, preferably rectangular as opposed to round! There will be a few spares for anyone unable to source these items. All will be revealed on Tuesday!
Our Christmas celebration, partners/friends included, will be in house. We will need to know how many of us will be attending by Tuesday, so if you will be at the party but not at the meeting on Tuesday please will you let me know by that date.
We have 3 volunteers to head groups to provide food for the 3 courses; Tracy: Starters; Joan G.: Mains [probably needs most helpers] and Meg: Puds. Please contact these members with offers of help and also please make known any allergies/food intolerances/vegetarian etc.
We have had a cull of books so do bring along some new ones and also any bric a brac etc, it all goes to boost our donation to ACWW.
See your Wiltshire Life and the events book for outings/activities etc.; particularly those closing at the meeting. There are some very good events planned for Jan. /Feb. You can also contact Clare Brown for tickets on 830733.
Last but definitely by no means least, congratulations to Joan Gifford on her re-election as Federation vice chair.