Edington and Tinhead WI – July news


Meetings every second Tuesday of the month in the Parish hall




Contact Helen O’Donoghue 830501 for more information


As part of our centenary celebrations you are all welcome to attend a

Bring and Buy and Coffee morning on Thursday July 9th from 10am to 12 noon

combining with the Under 5 group session at the Parish hall. There will also be used books for sale including children’s books.

Monies raised will go to Wiltshire Children’s Hospice providing care for children in their own homes.

Our speaker in June was John Clarke, a member of the Wyvern Historical & Detecting Society, talking about “Underwater Treasure Hunting”.

John has been detecting for 30 years and is more enthusiastic now than he was at the beginning. He has written a book entitled “Metal Detecting, an Essential guide to detecting Inland, on Beaches & Underwater”. He showed us a metal detector that could have been used in the early days and the one he uses now which has 2 GB of sophisticated data. John is an expert in using the detector to hear the sounds made by different types of metal.

He had also brought examples of “finds” from 500BC to a 1946 sixpence which was thicker than it’s counterpart in 1938.

He had many rings of varying dates including a Saxon ring set with emeralds.

Did you know that grotty referred to the coin groat?

Sarah Marshall gave a very full report with photos of her visit to the garden party at Buckingham Palace on 3rd June organised as part of the 100 years celebrations. Lovely hat Sarah!

She attended with Joan Gifford in her capacity as Vice president of the Federation.

Other events attended by some of our members in May, June and July included clay pigeon shooting, archery and a Japanese Day.

Once every 2 years our WI gives a bursary to help with educational courses including the WIs own Denman College in Oxfordshire.

Sandra Salmons used her bursary toward the cost of a water colour course she attended in Devon and she shared some lovely samples of her work.

In September we are looking forward to our centenary meal with our neighbouring WIs, called as a group Weavers, and a fun skittles event by invitation of Bratton WI.

Our next meeting on Tuesday 14 July will be a visit to Tracy Miller’s farm in Edington. This will include a Ploughman’s supper.

If you have been thinking about joining us, do come along on the 14th or contact Helen our president on the number above.

And have a look at our facebook page:
