Edington & District Gardening Club
After many months on the 7th. October, 17 members of the Gardening Club met in person at the Parish Hall to enjoy a presentation on autumn colours and winter structure from our speaker Jane Moore the head gardener at The Bath Priory Hotel.
Jane has been a head gardener for thirty years, eighteen of those at The Bath Priory, before that a contributor to many horticultural magazines and a head gardener in Sussex.
Jane came to speak about autumn colour and winter structure but started by giving us information on the garden at Bath Priory, this is a three acre garden which is flat and south facing containing two walled gardens a kitchen garden and Victorian greenhouse.
In this garden grows plenty of shrubs which provide colour in the autumn such as dogwood which also has flowers in the spring. For colour try sorbus, the mountain ash, including varieties with different colour berries such as white, pink or red and for lovely shapes in winter plant Acers which also have lovely coloured leaves. While in the garden don’t forget to plant snowdrops, aconites and hellebores which provide colour and interest before other plants come into their own.
Before the evening was over our Chairperson Jacky presented a R.H.S. medal to Edward Callaway as a long standing member of the club and the committee , also winner of many produce entries over the years.
Our speaker for next month, November 4th, has been brought forward from May 2022. Mike Read will tell us all about Cacti, do come along. Visitors are always welcome.
Our next meeting will be November 4th. at 7.30pm.