Adam Pasco lives in Cambridgeshire and has been a journalist for 40 years. He worked on ‘Gardner’s World’ magazine for 14 years from it’s launch in March 1991 as well as contributing to many other issues including the ‘Waitrose’ magazine.
‘THEFLOWER BULB CALENDAR – COLOUR THROUGH THE YEAR’ was Adam’s talk for the evening and certainly demonstrated how bulbs – including corms, tubers, and rhizomes, can brighten up both our borders and pots whatever the season.
The list of suggestions Adam demonstrated via video is too numerous to record here, however for those wishing to learn more about which bulbs to buy and how and when to plant them plus the best way of storing plants over the winter the presentation was recorded on the night and a copy is available from Angeline to all fully paid members wishing to take advantage of this information.
As well as the more familiar bulbs most of us have in our gardens Adam suggested some lesser known exotic varieties available at garden centres or by catalogue but warned these can be expensive so it is best to shop around. He also warned us to check the size of the bulbs before purchasing as the cheapest may not be the best value. They are possibly a smaller bulb which will not give the best result.
One very useful tip Adam passed on was to plant bulbs in water baskets (used in ponds for plants) either in the ground or in pots, meaning these can be lifted easily at the end of the season eliminating the need to wait for them to die back before new planting. He stressed the need to dead head regularly, water well and wear gloves when handling hyacinths. Allow many flowers to self seed such as Alliums.
Adam responded to some questions before Jacky thanked him on behalf of edgc for giving us his time and inspiring us to plant bulbs.
The meeting continued with general discussion on what’s happening in our gardens and David showed us (on his phone) a large Hosta outside his window.
The mini bus is not available for the Larmer Tree trip on 30th June so members will be contacted by Jan for travel arrangements.
Next meeting Thursday 1st July (Zoom) Speaker: John Baker – ‘Heavenly Hostas’