It was a full house for our 20th Birthday. One visitor joined 29 members for a celebratory evening.
2 cakes, made by Maxine and David (thank you both), were soon demolished together with cheese on biscuits and a sparkly drink!
A special mention was made to those who had started the ball rolling in April 2004, Stella and Edward Callaway, me, Carol and Roger Mussell and Vera Tyler, George and Joy Fraser.
Our speaker for the evening, Alex Learmont, gave an excellent talk on the endeavours of Shapwick Moor in Somerset on the Avalon Marshes. Owned by the Hawk and Owl Trust, the 150 acres, formerly arable land, is managed by Alex together with 14 volunteers. It was bought in 2007 and is being transformed into meadow. Ruby Red cows are used to graze, and the grass is removed in late summer. Hedgerows have been planted, high and wide! and the Rhynes are cleared of vegetation and there are ponds and scrapes. The result has seen not only birds of prey increase, barn owls, buzzards, kestrels, sparrowhawks, marsh harriers, peregrine and other seasonal birds of prey, but the butterfly count has increased together with harvest mice, otters, and hares.
Check out the web site for more information hhtps://
Next month, MAY 1st, WEDNESDAY, (due to the elections) is the AGM when subscriptions are due. The new Programme will be available, and the Schedules for the Flower & Produce Show being held on 7th September.
The speaker will be Lynda Brown – Herbs, sowing, growing, harvesting, and preserving.
Visitors are always welcome.
Contact 830133 for further information.