Edington Parish Council News May 2019

Our AGM took place at May’s meeting : Mike Swabey stood down as Chairman. We would like to thank him for all his hard work over the last few years, He will remain a councillor so we will not lose his expertise.


Chairman:  John Pollard

Vice chair: Liz Pike

other roles

  1. Highways Liaison- Mrs Greening
  2. Planning Liason Rob King
  3. Footpaths – Mr Johns
  4. Police Liaison, Neighbourhood Watch and Speed Watch – Mr Lupton
  5. Pond Mr Lupton
  6. Website – Mr Pollard
  7. Playfield – Mrs Dorgan
  8. Westbury Area Board Mr Pollard
  9. CATG – Mr Swabey and Mr Johns
  10. Newcomers – Mrs Watts and Miss O’Donoghue
  11. Burial Ground – Mrs Pike
  12. News Contact – Mrs Pike
  13. Civil Emergency Plan – Miss O’Donoghue
  14. BA13+ and Health Liaison. It was hoped that whoever replaced Mrs Lewis would be prepared to take on this role
  15. Taylor Trust representative – Mrs Pike

Contact details of above available on Website

Best Kept Village  judging of first round is now coming to an end but please keep up your hard work of litter picking and general tiding  in case we have got through to 2nd round judging of this round takes place through June

Parking  Silage and haymaking will be taking place over June and July. Please park sensibly leaving plenty of room for large farm vehicles to pass

Stiles: The stiles in the field below the Weir are due to be replaced with kissing gates this month

Planning: The following application had been received:-

19/03587/FUL Proposed dwelling (amended design) at Plot adjacent to 15 Westbury Road for Bigglestone

 Congratulations to Robert King on achieving runner up to the Farmer of the Year at the Food and Farming Awards sponsored by Weston Daily Press.

The next Council meeting is 10 June 7.30 Parish hall. As usual meeting open for villagers to attend.