Wiltshire Gypsies and Traveller Development Plan Information evening at the Three Daggers, Edington (Brewery Bar) Monday 30th September   5:30pm – 8pm

There are a group of villagers organising an information evening on this coming Monday in the Brewery Bar at the Three Daggers and they are anxious to ensure as many people are aware as possible of the event.
The Wiltshire plan includes proposals for 2 new gypsy and traveller sites in the Edington area, located on the Edington to Steeple Ashton road, and Edington to Dunge road.
There is a large amount of information on the Wiltshire Council website, but if you’ve found it hard work wading through long documents to find details, come along to our information evening to find out more.
‘Have your say’ – This plan is now out for consultation, which closes on Friday 4th October. There are various ways to submit comments, and we can help guide you through the process.
The proposals can be found on the Wiltshire Council website at:- https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/article/9854/Overview