The Parish Council would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas. The village Christmas tree will be erected on the playing field on Saturday 13th December at 9am helpers welcome. Entries for the best Christmas tree decorations need to be handed in by 10.30am when judging will take place. We would like to thank the Three Daggers for sponsoring the tree.
The tree lighting will take place on Sunday 14th December at 5pm, with carols and mulled wine.
The May Ball committee have given the playfield fund a generous donation enabling the council to apply to the area board for matched funding. This means the swings should be replaced in the near future, as well as several other small repairs.
Due to ongoing problems with access to Long Hollow, we have asked the police to monitor the situation. It is an offence to block public highways. We appreciate the village was not designed with cars in mind but all drivers showed consideration when parking a lot of the problems would be resolved.