June is a busy month in Edington’s Calendar. We have Just had the May Ball, followed by the Scarecrow Walk on 8th June and the Edington Fair on 14th June. We hope most of you will be able to get to one or all of these. Community events pull the village together and help maintain the vibrant community spirit which we have.
The Best Kept Village competition judging takes place during June so please keep verges and public places tidy and free of litter. We have already received a quantity of free compost for entering, which we are giving to the gardening club who maintain the planters at the village entrances and the gardens around the Parish Hall .
We are continuing to have problems with dog fouling both on pavements and on fields with livestock, the Weir field is particularly heavily fouled. Dog faeces can pass on diseases to cattle and humans, please be a responsible dog owner and clear up after your dog even in the fields.
Car parking is again becoming an issue, in particular around the green in Tinhead Road, Longhollow, and along the B3098 near the pub. Remember we are a working village so large farm machinery needs room to pass as so do emergency vehicles; please be considerate in your parking.
The recycling bins at the pub are being removed, this is the decision of Wiltshire Council and is a county wide strategy following the introduction of increased household recycling collections.
As part of the World War 1 centenary we are hoping to publish an article a month about people, places or events connected to this time. If any of you have stories or family archives, obituaries of happenings at this time from anywhere, not necessarily about Edington, we would love to hear from you.
There will be a housing needs survey of the village taking place during June. This will come to every household in the village, it is vitally important that you find a few moments to fill this in. The survey results can affect any building or development that may take place in the village in future and it will also shape what type of housing the village may require. The higher the response the more power it gives the village to decide its own future PLEASE FILL IT IN.
Planning appliations
(a) The following application has been received:-
14/03912/TCA Fell 1 sycamore and 2 conifers at 17a Westbury Road for Mr M Killian
(b) The following decisions have been received:-
(i) 14/02296/LBC Rebuild part of garden wall damaged in storms at Old Manor Farmhouse Lower Road for Mr & Mrs S Harris – permission
(ii) 14/02297/FUL single storey extension to front to provide porch and WC facility at 10 Berry Road for Mr David Geach – permission