You will all have received a Housing needs survey through your post box. Your Response is vital , this is your chance to influence the future shape and direction of planning in the village, the greater the response the more weight the survey carries. Please look it out and fill it in, if you have not already done so. Thank you.
The styles at either side of the monastery garden footpath (from Monastery road to Inmead ) will be replaced with kissing gates in the near future. The foot path from the church around the monastery wall is in poor repair. The County council have agreed to repair it, but it is a major piece of work . Therefore a temporary repair is to be undertaken until funds available to complete the job
Please remember this is a busy time for farmers so please leave room for combine harvesters and trailers to pass when parking your cars
. Planning :-
(a) The following applications have been received:-
(i) 14/04857/FUL First floor rear extension at Hurst House 57 Westbury Road for Mr & Mrs K Marshall
(ii) 14/04900/LBC Replacement Windows at Whites Farm 6 Inmead for Mr Robert Arnold
(b) The following decisions have been received:-
(i) 13/07030/FUL Redevelopment of existing dwelling with change of use from Class 3 (Residential) to Class 1 (Guest House) together with provision of ancillary gymnasium, replacement garage and associated works at Hillview Cottage, Westbury Road for Hillside Cottage Ltd – approved
The next Parish council is on Monday 8 July at 7.30. Meetings are open to any villagers who might like to attend.