June’s meeting was well attended with a packed room. The start of the meeting was dedicated to the planning application in little court lane .The developer QDOS was given time to outline his plans and villagers given the opportunity to respond prior to the council considering the plan in detail. We have since heard that the developer has withdrawn this application.
The principle objection to planning was the narrow lanes and poor access at The Green and Junction of the B3098. These roads are problematic at all times but particularly now summer is here. Would villagers be mindful of parking to allow access for farm vehicles as hay making and shortly harvest mean an increase in large farm machinery using our narrow lanes.
A reminder to dog owners to pick up after your dogs both on the footpaths and in the fields as dog faeces can be hazardous to farm animals .The Parish council would be grateful if villagers could help prevent dogs straying onto the playing field, this is a legal requirement as well as putting children at risk.
(a) The following applications have been received:-
(i) 15/04363/FUL Extend and convert existing bungalow to a one and half storey building (Resubmission of Planning Permission W/12/00699/FUL) at 22a Westbury Road for Mrs Bridget Roberts
(ii) 15/03425/OUT Erection of 9 houses, garages, parking and access road (outline application with some matters reserved) at Land at Little Court Lane for QDOS Homes Ltd